How to Dip a Dog for Mange

There are two types of mange, a skin disease caused by mites. Demodectic mange, generally not contagious, is common in puppies and is treated with a medicated shampoo. Sarcoptic mange is highly contagious, can also infest humans, and is treated with a drug called ivermectin. Some dogs, especially collies, Australian shepherds and Shetland sheepdogs have a mutation that makes ivermectin toxic in their bodies. These dogs are more suitably treated with a lime-sulfur dip. If a dip is prescribed by your veterinarian it will most likely be LymDip, a lime sulfur product.

Things You'll Need

  • Lime sulfur dip
  • Water


    • 1

      Shampoo the dog's coat prior to applying the dip.

    • 2

      Dilute 4 oz. of product in one gallon of water.

    • 3

      Pour the lime sulfur solution over the dog, rubbing the coat well to make sure the solution is evenly distributed. Do not rinse the dog.

    • 4

      Dry the dog with a blow dryer or allow it to air-dry. Do not allow the dog to lick its coat until dry.

    • 5

      Repeat this procedure every five days, or according to your veterinarian's instructions.