Holistic Remedies for Dogs With Ear Infections

Ear infections in dogs are a common problem that may be caused by bacteria, yeast, parasites or most commonly, allergies. Symptoms include itching, irritation, swelling, excessive ear wax or discharge, a foul odor and pain. An indication of infection is when the dog persistently shakes its head and scratches its ears. While antibiotics or anti-fungal medications are usually prescribed (and necessary for inner or middle ear infections), there are holistic remedies that may be used.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

    • According to the website Healthy Happy Dogs, you can clean your dog's ears with either apple cider or distilled white vinegar to restore the chemical balance. An effective treatment for a yeast infection, it may be used diluted (half water/half vinegar) or undiluted. Place your dog on its side and pour enough solution into the ear to fill the canal. Massage the base of the ear and gently wipe out the ear with cotton. Repeat daily until the infection is gone.

      The website Ear Infections in Dogs suggests adding two tbsp. of cider vinegar to each cup of the dog's water twice a week to prevent an infection from becoming worse. It may also be used as preventive maintenance.


    • A variety of herbal treatments may be used, according to the online site Natural Dog Health Remedies. Use a solution of one tsp. of calendula oil (marigold) and a half tsp. of sea salt, plus one cup of filtered water, to flush the ears one or two times daily for a yeast infection. Calendula may be found in health or nutrition stores.

      Echinacea powder may be given to strengthen the dog's immune system at a dosage of one g per 10 kg of the dog's weight per day.

      Garlic is a natural antibiotic; crush two cloves of garlic and allow it to soak in olive oil for two weeks. After straining it, apply two to three drops of the oil (warmed in a pan of hot water) in each ear and massage gently. Wipe out the excess with a cotton ball. The oil can be refrigerated for several months.


    • Cod liver oil or vitamin E oil may relieve the dog's pain from an inner or middle ear infection until the medication from the veterinarian begins to work. Place one drop of oil into each affected ear daily.

      For ear mites, three to seven drops of olive oil or almond oil may be placed in each ear to smother the mites, according to Healthy Happy Dogs. Gently wipe out the excess oil to remove the mites. Repeat daily for three to four weeks.

      An oil infusion of Oregon grape may be used for both ear infections and mites. It has antibacterial and antibiotic properties, according to Natural Dog Health Remedies. Use one to ten drops in each ear once or twice daily and wipe out the ear with cotton. Continue until the mites are eliminated. Oregon grape may be found in health or nutrition stores.


    • Apply a warm compress several times daily to relieve pain from an infection with symptoms of inflammation and irritation. To make a warm compress, wet a small towel in hot water and thoroughly squeeze out the water. Hold the warm, moist towel against the dog's ear for about a half a minute.