Magnesium Malate for Dogs

Magnesium malate is a mineral supplement included in many multivitamin supplements for dogs. Malate refers to malic acid, which is found in fruits and vegetables. Malic acid is used in magnesium malate as a transporter to facilitate the distribution of magnesium to the body, thereby improving the effectiveness of the supplement. So what role does magnesium play in dogs' health?

  1. Where is Magnesium Stored?

    • Magnesium is needed in every cell of animal and human bodies. About half of the body's magnesium is stored in cells of tissues and organs. The rest is part of calcium and phosphorous in the bones. Only about 1 percent can be found at any one time in the blood. Blood levels of magnesium fluctuate constantly.

    What Does Magnesium Do?

    • Magnesium assists more than 300 biochemical processes in vertebrates. These processes help nerves to function, hearts to beat steadily, and muscles to flex and repair themselves. Magnesium strengthens bones and promotes the metabolism of energy and the synthesis of protein.

    Dog Vitamins

    • Magnesium malate is included in dog multivitamins to provide a full range of essential vitamins and minerals required for health. This is important for house dogs, because they often mooch from the table and eat many foods that, while tasty, do not provide full nutrition needed by canine bodies. A multivitamin helps ensure that dogs get all they need to maintain health.

    Treating Illness

    • Magnesium is recommended by some veterinarians as a supplement for dogs with cardiovascular issues, liver problems, nerve and muscular ailments, and low energy. Some authorities believe that dogs that suffer from a magnesium deficiency may exhibit symptoms of a seizure disorder.


    • Discuss magnesium supplementation with your veterinarian. Ask to have your dog tested for magnesium deficiency or low thyroid if you suspect that your dog is having some of these health issues. If a magnesium deficiency is found, it may be possible to add magnesium malate supplements and reduce antiseizure medications. Doses of magnesium range from 10 milligrams for very small dogs to 75 grams for giant-sized dogs like Saint Bernards. Talk to your veterinarian about dosage size. Don't guess.