Alternative Treatment for Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs

Mast cell tumors are clusters that grow in the benign or malignant tissues of dogs. They typically reside on the skin, in the blood stream, the gastrointestinal system or the liver. A mast cell tumor manifests itself in the form of an elevated pink lump. It is more common in English bulldogs, Boston terriers, pugs and boxers and golden retrievers typically 8.5 to 9.5 years of age. There are possible hereditary, environmental and viral disease factors behind the formulation of mast cells.

  1. Symptoms and Diagnosis of Master Cell Tumors

    • The mass cell tumors contain histamine, enzymes and heparin that can be released into the system. This would typically trigger such side effects as blood in the stool, itching, blood clotting problems, duodenal ulcers and vomiting. To diagnose mast cell tumors, it is necessary to do a biopsy or to aspirate some of the cells through a needle to be examined. A red blood cell count could also be done, along with a urinalysis. The typical means for medical care for a malignant master cell is through surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. It can take its toll on your dog's overall well-being.

    Alternative Treatments for Master Cell Tumors

    • There are also homeopathic remedies, herbs and supplements that are aids in strengthening the dog's immunity system to be able to ward off the cancer more easily. Some of the effective herbs include Burdock root, an aid that encourages liver function that would, thereby, aid in toxin and waste extraction. Red clover is helpful toward warding off tumors while acting as a cleaning and strengthening agent. Alfalfa is a good cancer-preventative herb. Astragalus consists of an alkaloid that prevents cancer from spreading as well as strengthening the immune system. Dandelion helps to motivate liver function and the digestive process working as a diuretic. Garlic, echinacea, mushrooms and green tea encourages immunity, helping cell growth as well. Milk thistle acts as a protectorate of the liver and can be an aid in reversing liver insult due to chemotherapy.