Coconut Oil for Dogs

Coconut oil has many uses for dogs. It's a safe fatty acid that can help improve the health of your dog, from his hair and coat to his joints. Different production methods result in different types of coconut oil. For best results, choose a product that has been minimally processed so the essential vitamins and flavor are retained.

  1. Features

    • Coconut oil is a natural, non-toxic oil that doesn't contain trans fats, which can cause heart disease. It's convenient to administer, either as a solid or liquid. It contains lauric acid, a compound also found in breast milk, which acts to boost the efficiency of the immune system and protect against disease.


    • Coconut oil has antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties. It's a multi-purpose oil that can be used topically or orally. It can be used to treat a variety of infections instead of just masking the symptoms. It can also be used to speed healing of cuts, abrasions and bites. Coconut oil can help reduce skin irritation, so your dog will scratch less. With continued use, his coat will appear glossy and healthy.

    Internal Use

    • Coconut oil can be added to your dog's food in either form. If he weighs less than 30 lbs., add 1/4 tsp. to his morning meal. If your dog weighs more than 30 lbs., add 1 tsp. Slowly increase the amount until you're feeding your dog 1 tsp. of coconut oil for every 10 lbs. of body weight. Taken internally, it can kill intestinal bacteria and fungi that can cause systemic disease.

    External Use

    • Coconut oil, which melts into a dog's skin quickly when applied, can help alleviate itching and reduce inflammation. Use it on cuts and other skin issues to keep the dog free from bacteria as he heals. It can be applied to sore paws to help relieve pain and protect them from further injury.


    • If too much is ingested, coconut oil can cause loose stools. If this continues, your dog can become dehydrated. Be sure to only increase the dosage after it's apparent that your dog can tolerate the current dosage. If this oil is applied topically, your dog can lick it off, which can cause sores on his skin. Be sure to deter your dog from licking himself after the oil is applied, or put an e-collar on him to ensure that his licking doesn't cause more trauma to his skin.