Why May a Dog Vomit Yellow Stuff?

A dog vomits for many reasons, including eating too quickly, after ingesting poison or after eating grass. Not all causes of dog vomiting are serious, but looking at the color and consistency of the dog̵7;s vomit may shed some light as to why the dog is vomiting. Yellow vomit means stomach bile is present. If the vomiting is frequent, the dog should see a veterinarian for a check-up.

  1. Causes

    • Stomach bile in dog vomit has a number of causes. A dog might vomit stomach bile because its stomach is empty and irritated or because of a medical condition like inflammatory bowel disease or pancreatitis, according to veterinarian Ron Hines at 2ndChance.info.


    • A dog that vomits stomach bile upon waking or close to a scheduled mealtime might be vomiting because its stomach is empty, dog breeder and trainer Norma Bennett Wood says in the Dog Owner̵7;s Guide. If the dog is vomiting because it has inflammatory bowel disease, it will probably vomit frequently and have diarrhea. A dog with pancreatitis may appear hunched up and may have a lack of appetite, diarrhea, depression, fever, dehydration, irregular heartbeat and difficulty breathing.


    • Diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease involves a basic blood panel and urinalysis to rule out liver and kidney disease, radiographs to rule out abdominal tumors, an endoscopy to look for abnormalities and possibly surgery to obtain tissue samples for testing, according to veterinarians at Mar Vista Animal Medical Center in Los Angeles. Canine pancreatitis diagnosis consists of a physical examination, blood work to check the blood levels of the pancreatic enzymes and an ultrasound to look at the dog̵7;s pancreas, according to the Dog Health Guide.


    • If the dog is vomiting yellow stomach bile because its stomach is empty, feeding it will prevent future occurrences. Feeding at least two meals per day prevents the dog̵7;s stomach from becoming completely empty. Inflammatory bowel disease is not preventable because the cause of the disease is unknown, according to Mar Vista Animal Medical Center. Pancreatitis causes include certain medications, infections, metabolic disorders, trauma and shock. Feeding a healthy diet and having regular veterinary check-ups may help prevent some diseases.


    • Inflammatory bowel disease is not treatable, but management involves a low-fat, hypoallergenic, low-residue, high-fiber diet. Pancreatitis treatment involves fluid therapy, medication and restricted food and water, according to the Dog Health Guide. Repeat instances of pancreatitis can be reduced by feeding pancreatic enzyme supplements.