Dogs can develop nose diseases such as a bacterial infection, a fungal condition or a tumor. The symptoms may vary according to the type of disease that is present in your dog. It is important to consult your veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment of any unusual symptoms such as bleeding of the nose or nasal discharge.
Fungal Infection
A fungal infection such as aspergillosis may occur in dogs. This condition is a fungal infection of the nasal passages and may develop in one nostril or both nostrils. Aspergillosis is a serious fungal condition that can cause erosion of the nasal passages, permanent changes in the dog's nasal passages that may promote the development of chronic nasal discharge and bacterial infections. The symptoms of a fungal infection in the nose may include nasal discharge and bleeding of the nose.
Nasal tumors are most common in dogs from 2 to 12 years of age. The most common type of nasal tumor in dogs is nasal adenocarcinoma. Certain breeds of dogs may be at an increased risk of nasal tumors. These may include the Airedale terrier, Basset hound, collie, Shetland sheepdog, Scottish terrier, German shorthair pointers, Labrador retriever and the golden retriever. According to the Dog Health Guide, dogs that develop nasal tumors may experience symptoms such as bleeding of the nose, nasal discharge and sneezing. Pawing at the nose is also a sign of a nasal tumor, as well as watery eyes, swelling of the face, coughing and trouble breathing.
Mite Infection
The canine nasal mite has been seen in dogs all over the world. Large breed dogs have a higher incidence of canine nasal mites as well as dogs under the age of 3 years. While the exact means of transmission is not understood, it is thought to be spread through interaction and contact with infected dogs, the Merck Veterinary Manual states. The canine nasal mite lives in the dog's sinus cavities and the nasal passages and may cause symptoms such as sneezing, impaired sense of smell, facial swelling, discharge of the nose, head shaking, stridor (noisy breathing), collapse, coughing and restlessness.