How to Give Flea Medicine Twice a Month

Flea medicines are typically administered to dogs and cats on a regular basis to prevent infestations as well as to treat current flea problems. It is important when giving any flea medicine to your pet to follow the directions on the flea medication packet---not doing so can result in overdoses of the medicine and accidental poising of your pet.

Things You'll Need

  • Flea medicine
  • Scales


    • 1

      Apply the first dose on the first of the month---this way you have an easy date system to remember; it will always be on the first and the 15th of each month that the medicine is due. Alternatively, if you get paid fortnightly, making the flea medicine day on payday is another way of remembering the timing.

    • 2

      Weigh your pet before purchasing any medication. It is important to administer the correct flea medicine for your pet's weight. Do this before every purchase, as your pet's weight can fluctuate.

    • 3

      Hold your pet firmly and part the fur on the back of her neck in a line, exposing the skin.

    • 4

      Hold the flea medicine vertically, with the applicator on the start of the parted fur line.

    • 5

      Run the applicator along the parted fur line, squeezing as you go. Be careful not to get any medicine on any other part of your pet.

    • 6

      Monitor your pet for some time after application, making sure he doesn't rub up against furniture, other pets or people while the medicine is still wet, and that he doesn't try to lick it off---although this is difficult if you have placed the medicine on the back of the neck.