Natural Remedies for Joint Pain in Dogs

Many dogs experience joint pain from arthritis and general aging as they grow old. Joint pain disrupts your dog's overall quality of life because the pain inhibits mobility and severe joint pain is crippling. Thankfully, there are natural remedies readily available to relieve your dog's discomfort.

  1. Rhus Toxicodendron

    • The Earth Clinic website recommends giving your dog Rhus toxicodendron to relieve joint pain. This treatment is a homeopathic remedy found in many health food stores. They also recommend feeding your dog high-quality home-cooked meals high in essential vitamins and minerals. Dogs can eat some vegetables, but avoid acidic foods such as tomatoes, peppers and eggplant.


    • Glucosamine is a supplement that helps to relieve joint pain by making glycosaminoglycans in your dog's body. This effect helps to maintain cartilage structures. These supplements are found at your local pet store or online.


    • Methyl-sulfonyl-methane, or MSM, is another supplement for joint pain and other ailments found at pet stores or online. This nutrient is also a naturally occurring sulphur that relieves joint destruction and reduces arthritic pain. The sulfur compounds target inflammation in the body.

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    • Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats found in many foods and oils. These fats reduce inflammation and lubricate joints and tissues within the body. You can feed your dog foods that contain omega-3 fats, like eggs, or give your canine friend cod liver oil supplements. Cod liver oil is made in pill or liquid form. You can add this to your dog's food or water on a daily basis.

    Weight Reduction

    • Obese dogs can experience joint pain from excess weight bearing on their joints. This is especially true for small dogs with skinny legs. If your dog is overweight, put it on a low-calorie dog food, and take your dog for daily walks.


    • Feverfew is an herb that helps to reduce joint pain in dogs. This herb is an anti-inflammatory pain reliever that is effective for joint pain and other discomforts. Feverfew is found in a liquid tincture, tablets or dried herb. Sprinkle dried herbs on your dog's food, or add the liquid to its water.