Dangers to a Dog of Exposure to Its Urine or Feces

Dogs do some pretty gross things, but perhaps the grossest of all is eating their own urine and feces. Canine coprophagia is the medical term for a dog eating its own waste, specifically stool. For most dogs, this is a behavioral issue, but in some cases, the behavior may be a sign that the dog suffers from a medical problem like a nutrient deficiency or increased appetite caused by thyroid disease or another illness. Whatever the reason, the behavior isn̵7;t terribly dangerous unless the dog begins to eat the waste of another dog or animal. A dog that eats its own feces or drinks its own urine only ingests organisms that already exist inside its body.

  1. Intestinal Blockage

    • An intestinal blockage may occur when a dog consumes stool, especially when it̵7;s eaten in large quantities, which makes it difficult for the body to properly digest the matter. A dog may also vomit after eating feces.

    Risk of Ingesting Canine Disease

    • Dogs can transmit illnesses through their feces. Two illnesses, hepatitis and canine parvovirus, can spread this way. A dog that digests stool of another dog infected with hepatitis or canine parvovirus is at risk of infection unless it has been vaccinated.

    Risk of Ingesting Parasites

    • According to Peteducation.com, one of the biggest dangers of canine coprophagia is the dog repeatedly infecting itself with parasites present in feces. Feces contain parasites like giardia, coccidia, whipworms and roundworms, which are dangerous to canines' systems.

      In addition, when a dog eats the stool of another animal, it̵7;s at greater risk of infection from a more dangerous parasite. Toxoplasma ghondii̵2;a parasite found in some cats̵2;can be very dangerous to dogs and can cause muscle damage. Deer, rabbits and other wild animals also naturally expel parasites in their feces, which can be unsafe to dogs when eaten.

    Larva, Bacteria or Fungal Infestation

    • Feces sitting outside for a long period of time can become infested with fly larvae, bacteria and fungus, among other organisms, which can be harmful to the dog when digested.