Natural Medicines for Dogs With Hypothyroidism

Dogs are a valuable part of many families, and many owners pay particularly close attention to their pet's health. When a family pet gains weight easily, experiences fatigue and has noticeable changes in the quality of its coat, hypothyroidism should be considered. A trip to the vet will verify whether a pet suffers from this condition. When a diagnosis is made, however, natural remedies exist to treat the problem.

  1. Herbs

    • Herbs are one possibility for people looking to treat their dog's hypothyroidism naturally. Rich in iodine, as well as high levels of minerals and nutrients, kelp helps regulate and balance endocrine systems, like the thyroid. When a dog's thyroid doesn't function at all, licorice root can stimulate an unproductive gland. For canines that suffer low energy, owners might consider Siberian ginseng, which can also help prevent the thyroid from becoming completely inactive. These herbs are found in either pill form or as a tincture that owners can add to their dog's food, according to the Natural Dog Health Remedies website.

    Natural Supplements

    • Some companies produce natural supplements designed to help dogs suffering from hypothyroidism. Thyro-Up, for example, is an all-natural product that improves a dog's own thyroid function so the gland produces more of its own natural thyroid hormones. According to, one benefit of this approach is that owners won't need to introduce a synthetic hormone replacement therapy to their dog because the supplement stimulates the gland to increase production of the hormone on its own.


    • Hypothyroidism results when a dog's own immune system attacks the thyroid gland. Using antioxidants like vitamin E, vitamin C and selenium can help boost the dog's own ability to protect against this reaction. Antioxidants work by ridding the system of free radicals, but don't trigger an immune response, giving the dog's own thyroid a chance to balance the hormonal levels.