Diet for Epileptic Dogs

According to the Canine Epilepsy Guardian Angels website, commercial dog food contains chemical preservatives that can cause seizures in dogs with epilepsy. Feeding your epileptic dog a natural diet, however, can reduce the risk of seizures, strengthen his immune system, prevent allergies and reduce liver damage. You can even feed your epileptic dog a natural diet for weight loss.

  1. Regular Adult Meals

    • Combine four frozen, halved, boneless, skinless chicken breasts; 1 cup of thickly sliced zucchini; 1 cup of thickly sliced carrots; 1 cup of chopped string beans; ½ cup of white potato cut into 2-inch pieces; 1 cup of yams or sweet potatoes cut into 2-inch pieces; and 4 cups of water into a slow cooker, says the Canine Epilepsy site. Set the slow cooker on Low for 8 hours and refrigerate the mixture overnight. Skim the fat off the top with a spoon, mix well and refrigerate. Reheat individual meals in a microwave and serve. If you have more food than you will use in three days, freeze the extra food.

    Weight Loss Meals

    • Wash and chop up two cups of zucchini and 2 cups of string beans, celery, carrots or summer squash, says the Canine Epilepsy site. Place in a pot, cover, and cook until tender. Poach 4 cups of cod fillet in a frying pan with water or skin 4 cups of chicken. If you're using fish, fry it until the fish is white. If you're using chicken, simmer it in a covered pot, barely covered with water for two to three hours. Then drain, and put the "drainings" (i.e. chicken soup) in the refrigerator. When it gets cold, skim the fat off the top. Mix this in with the meals for added nutrition. Combine all ingredients.

    Liver-Cleansing Meals

    • Wash 1 ½ cups of white potatoes, cut them into 2-inch pieces so the skin circles the potatoes, says the Canine Epilepsy site. Simmer for 45 minutes and remove the skins. Wash and cut up 1 ½ cups of zucchini, string beans, celery or squash and steam cook until it's soft. Poach 2 cups of Pollack or cod in a frying pan with water until the fish is white. Combine ingredients, and add a pinch of garlic powder and Italian seasoning to each meal to taste.

    Feeding Portions

    • These meals will provide about 8 cups each. Particularly if you're feeding the weight loss or liver-cleansing meals, feed four small meals (depending on the size of your dog and your feeding schedule), the last meal being bedtime, advises the Canine Epilepsy site, instead of two large ones. Smaller meals puts less stress on the liver and burn more calories for weight loss.

    Give Your Dog a Treat

    • Gelatin treats can protect your epileptic dog against seizures and brain damage, and at the same time, they're great for concealing medication, says the Canine Epilepsy site. Combine ½ cup of gelatin and ½ cup of a cold liquid, such as the chicken soup left over from the weight loss meal, into a quart bowl, and let the mixture stand for 1 minute. Pour 1 ½ cups of boiling water over the mixture and stir until the gelatin dissolves. Pour the mixture into a 9-inch x 12-inch pan and let it stiffen. Cut the gelatin mold into 1-inch by 3-inch strips.