Remedies for Itching Paws in Dogs

You may have noticed lately that your dog seems to be constantly licking his paws. This is usually a sign of itching or irritation. Typically the causes of itching on the paws are not serious and can be treated easily. When you notice that your dog is licking his paws frequently, it is important to first examine the paw and determine the cause of the itching. Then it will be possible to look at different remedies.

  1. Treatments for Allergies

    • Allergies are a common cause of itching paws on dogs. Many dogs are allergic to grass, and since they are often out running in it, this will cause itching. If you believe your dog has allergies, you can give him a cool bath for 10 minutes. Add colloidal oatmeal to the bath for additional soothing benefits. This can be used for dry skin as well as allergies.

    Treatment for Insect Bites

    • If you notice that your dog is favoring a particular spot on its paw, it may have an insect bite. Insects will often bite between the dog's toes. Carefully examine the dog's paw for any red bumps. If you believe there is a bug bite, mix water with baking soda in a large bowl or bucket and dip your dog's paw in the solution. Allow it to soak for a few minutes to relive pain and itching.

    Epsom Salts for General itching

    • If you can't determine precisely what is making the dog's feet itch but you can tell they are bothered, you can use Epsom salts. Mix the Epsom salts in cool water and dip the dog's feet in the mixture for 5 to 10 minutes. Epsom salts can be poisonous to dogs if consumed, so make sure the dog does not drink any of the water.

    Aloe Vera for Burns or Rashes

    • If your dog's foot appears red and/or inflamed, this could be due to a burn or rash which would cause itching in the paw as well. Dogs can develop burns on the paws by walking on hot pavement. Gently rub aloe vera gel or cream on the affected area every day until the paw appears normal again. If after several weeks the paw is still red, seek veterinary advice.