K9 Advantix Flea Medicine Side Effects

K9 Advantix is a topical insecticide designed to prevent the infestation of fleas and ticks on a canine. This product is made by the Bayer Healthcare LLC, which has other flea control products on the market as well. K9 Advantix is made up primarily of permethrin and imidacloprid, which in combination work very well to combat infestations. As with any medications, however safe they may be for the majority of canines, there are always cases of hypersensitivity to the ingredients and reports of adverse side effects.

  1. Skin Irritation

    • If a dog's skin is sensitive to the ingredients in K9 Advantix, then the application spot may begin to appear red and irritated. The canine may experience a burning sensation at the site which can cause scratching. In severe cases, the redness and irritation can spread across the body, and constant scratching may result in fur loss. If these symptoms occur, consult with a veterinarian.

    Neurological Issues

    • Although the Bayer company states that it this product does not affect the nervous system of canines, there are reports of dogs exhibiting changes in neurological behavior. Reviews and reports have stated that some dogs have shown signs of increased excitability, loss of balance and, in some rare cases, even seizures. K9 Advantix never has been proven to be the cause of these symptoms, but in many reports it is the only variable in the everyday lives of these dogs that could attribute to such a change in behavior. Always talk to a veterinarian before using any flea or tick products on a dog.

    Diarrhea And Vomiting

    • K9 Advantix should be applied between the shoulder blades and at the base of the neck of the canine. This is so the dog cannot lick it off. Ingestion of this product can cause a dog to have diarrhea as it may irritate the digestive system. If a dog does swallow some, it is important to see a vet right away and possibly call poison control.
      Vomiting can also occur as a result of ingestion and the same advice would apply. It is important to remember that a dog that is vomiting or experiencing severe diarrhea will dehydrate very quickly, so immediate action is required if ingestion is suspected.


    • Some dogs that may be sensitive to K9 Advantix or dogs that already have breathing issues can have a reaction to the fumes of this product. The ingredients of K9 Advantix can irritate the lungs and breathing tracts, causing them to swell. This can result in breathing difficulties which should be addressed by a veterinarian as soon as possible.