Symptoms of Ulcers in Dogs

Stomach ulcers are lesions that extend beyond the lining of the stomach, deep into the dog's gastrointestinal tract. Ulcers can occur in any breed of dog at any age. The causes of ulcers in dogs may include stress, drugs, illness, cancer, lead poisoning and H.pylori bacteria. If your dog has symptoms of an ulcer, contact your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. An ulcer can be a serious condition and if left untreated, may cause complications such as shock or even sudden death.

  1. Gastrointestinal Effects

    • An ulcer is a condition that may cause abdominal pain in your dog. Dogs that have an ulcer, often pull away and yelp if you come into contact with their stomachs. Vomiting is another classic symptom of an ulcer, and the vomit may resemble coffee grounds. This is because it may contain partially digested blood. Some dogs experience a lack of appetite and may lose weight as a result. Dogs may also pass black, tarry stools that may contain digested blood.

    Poor Overall Health

    • Dogs that have an ulcer may have symptoms of overall poor health. Weakness is a common symptom among dogs that suffer from an ulcer, perhaps due to lack of nutrition because their appetite is poor. According to, anemia is another condition that may result from an ulcer. Severe anemia may need to be treated with blood transfusions.

    GastroIntestinal Bleeding

    • The most serious symptom associated with ulcers in dogs is gastrointestinal bleeding. This can range from microscopic amounts of blood to fresh blood and blood clots. Dogs that suffer from severe gastrointestinal bleeding may pass black, tarry stools while going into shock. This may require hospitalization, diagnostic tests and blood transfusions. Stomach ulcers can rupture, causing peritonitis in the abdomen, which is a life-threatening condition. In order to determine if an ulcer has ruptured, the veterinarian may perform a test known as gastroscopy. With gastroscopy, the veterinarian can look through an endoscope and see if ulcers are superficial or deep.