Home Remedies for Upset Stomach in Dogs

Dogs with upset stomachs may drool or vomit. If this occurs, monitor his or her behavior; if a dog is lethargic, clumsy and violently vomiting, call your vet immediately. The vomiting could be a result of ingesting a poisonous substance. If your dog's symptoms do not appear severe, carefully examine the vomit and make a note of it's appearance. Watch for blood, yellowish-green fluids and clumps. Call your vet with your findings to determine if this nausea episode warrants an office visit.

  1. Fasting

    • Vomiting is often a sign that the body is trying to rid itself of bad substances, such as bacteria from rotten food. The digestive system will exhibit a gastrocolic reflex, which means that it is trying to empty the colon as the stomach fills. To break the diarrhea and vomiting cycle, hold off giving your dog food for 24 hours. Usually a fast, accompanied by water, will clear his intestines of whatever is upsetting his stomach and allow it to recuperate.

    Pepto Bismol, Kaopectate or Immodium

    • These over-the-counter drugs may help alleviate nausea and diarrhea symptoms. The medicine binds together the foreign substances inside your dog's stomach and rapidly moves them through the intestine. The recommended dose is one teaspoon for every 20 pounds of weight, every four to six hours for up to two days, according to David Hammond, D.V.M. A liquid syringe may make this process easier.

    The Potato Diet

    • Dr. Martin Goldstein recommends giving dogs a potato-based diet for an upset stomach and diarrhea. This consists of one-half white potatoes, one-half sweet potatoes, a slice of turnip and a slice of leek. Boil all, then mix with boiled chicken or lamb for flavor. "I've seen the potato diet stop chronic diarrhea almost overnight," says Dr. Goldstein in his book, "The Nature of Animal Healing."

    White Rice and Chicken Diet

    • Another bland diet recipe that can alleviate nausea in a dog is made of two parts cooked white rice with one part cottage cheese or chicken. Feed small amounts every four hours for the first day and if he keeps it down, gradually feed him more until he is ready for his regular food again.


    • Ginger, a Chinese herb, has anti-microbial and pain-relieving properties that alleviate nausea and vomiting. The quickest way is to administer it is to purchase it in powdered pill form from a health food store. Dogs 15 pounds and up can take 500 milligrams. Smaller dogs should take half that amount. Sprinkle it on the tastiest wet food you can find, or put it directly into your dog's mouth.

      Dr. Demian Dressler, author of "The Dog Cancer Survival Guide," says that fresh ginger is also effective for treating upset a dog's upset stomach. To serve the fresh root version, first remove the skin with a knife and finely mince the yellow insides. Miniature breeds require 1/4 teaspoon, and larger dogs can eat 3/4 teaspoon, up to three times daily. Ginger has blood-thinning properties, so dogs on anti-coagulant medications (to stop blood clotting), should not take this remedy.