Many medications developed for human consumption can also be used in smaller doses on our pets. One drug in particular is called Vincristine and is used for inhibiting the advancement of cancerous tumors. This drug is generally not used in dogs except for severe cases of cancer in the blood or lymph nodes. In the course of treating these tumors however, the medication can have debilitating side effects on our canine friends.
Hair and Stomach Lining
Vincristine can cause internal bleeding as well as ulcers in your dog. Vincristine not only impedes cancerous growths, it can also inhibit the the growth of hair and the intestinal lining in your dog. While the loss of your pet's hair is not life threatening, this drug's effect on his intestinal system can be very serious. Some of these effects include ulcers, bleeding of the stomach lining and other life-threatening problems. Be sure to check for blood in your dog's stool or urine when using Vincristine.
Follow exact instructions from your vet when administering Vincristine to your dog. Vincristine is administered through a hypodermic needle. However, if the injection is given incorrectly or in the wrong location, it can cause gangrene or fatality of other parts of the body. Caution should be used if you will be administering this drug yourself to your pet. Following the precise instructions from your veterinarian could mean the difference between life and death for your dog.
Inform your vet of any other medications your pet is taking before using Vincristine. If your dog is on medication for any other illnesses or conditions, be sure to inform your veterinarian before starting treatment with Vincristine. This drug can interact with other medicines and cause life-threatening complications for your pet. Vital organs, especially the liver, can be damaged irreparably if Vincristine is used incorrectly. Lesser effects of Vincristine include diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, seizures and disorientation.