Symptoms of Dog Parvovirus

Canine parvovirus, also known as parvo, is a highly contagious disease. Puppies younger than 6 months are most likely to become infected with this virus, and those under 12 weeks of age are among the most severe cases. The incubation period of parvo is usually between 7 and 14 days, and the virus can live on surfaces for 5 months or longer. Enteritis is the intestinal form of the virus and presents various symptoms. The other form affects the heart and is far less common with no visible symptoms. Parvo kills 80 percent of young puppies affected by the disease.

  1. Depression and Lethargy

    • Depression is usually the first symptom of canine parvovirus. Most dogs are energetic and love to play. If your dog does not perk up its ears and respond when called, it may not be feeling well. Many dogs with parvo just lie around. You know how your dog's temperament is, so if your furry friend seems distant, there is a good chance that something is wrong. Pay special attention to these symptoms, as it is important to catch this disease early. If a fever accompanies your dog's depression and lethargy, it is time to see the veterinarian.

    Loss of Appetite

    • Dogs love to eat, so if your dog does not respond quickly when you bring out the food bowl, it may be ill. Canine parvovirus is extremely aggravating to dogs' intestines, so they usually do not feel like eating.

    Vomiting and Diarrhea

    • The biggest tell-tale signs of canine parvovirus are vomiting and diarrhea. Unfortunately, these symptoms usually present themselves in the later stages of parvo, when the chance of saving the dog's life is almost nil. The vomiting may be severe, or may appear yellow and frothy, because the dog does not have anything in its stomach. The diarrhea is usually severe, and it is a dark, bloody color with an extremely foul odor. Since parvovirus is shed through feces, it is crucial to not only clean up thoroughly, but to wash the entire area with bleach.


    • A dog's body is made up of 90 percent water, so even a small amount of dehydration can cause a dog to become very ill. This is actually the main cause of death in dogs with parvovirus, so it is important to look for signs that your dog is dehydrated. Symptoms of dehydration in dogs include: dull, white sticky gums and a decrease in skin elasticity. Press your finger against your dog's gums, and pay attention to the color when you release your finger. If the gums have a sticky feel to them, and they don't turn pink right away, your dog is dehydrated. To check for skin elasticity, pull up the dog's skin between his shoulders as far as it will go, and then let go. If the skin takes a few seconds to go back down, your dog is dehydrated. Veterinarians can give dogs IV fluids to keep them hydrated, and you can also offer Pedialyte at home, just ask your vet, first.

    Canine Parvovirus Myocarditis

    • Canine parvovirus myocarditis is the second clinical form of parvovirus, and is far less common than the gastrointestinal form. It only presents itself in young puppies, and can cause cardiac insufficiency and pulmonary collapse. Myocarditis is the inflammation of a heart muscle known as the myocardium, and puppies with this form of parvovirus usually collapse and die without any prior signs or symptoms.