Natural Supplements for Cushing's Disease

Cushing's disease is a syndrome in which your dog's body produces too much cortisol. It is caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland and occurs most often in older dogs, according to The Dog Health Guide. Cushing's disease causes incontinence, excessive thirst and a dry coat. It can also cause diabetes and seizures. The Dog Health Guide states that natural supplements do not cure the disease, but can help manage symptoms.

  1. Cushex Drops

    • Cushex Drops contain a blend of herbs, according to The Dog Health Guide. These drops help promote adrenal gland functioning, maintain healthy blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and positively affect digestive health. The drops consist of dandelion, burdock, astralagus, arsenicum, hepar sulph, merc sol and sulphur. Mix the drops into your dog's food two to three times per day. Dogs weighing under 20 pounds get two to three drops each dose, while heavier dogs get five drops per dose. Very large dogs (those over 50 pounds) require eight drops per dose.


    • Supraglan is a natural supplement that lowers the amount of cortisol produced by your dog's adrenal gland. Ingredients found in this supplement are bistort, wild yam, milk vetch, dandelion, licorice, borage and eleutherococus senticosus. These herbs work together to stimulate the endocrine and immune systems as well as the liver. The supplement, which should be given twice a day, can be mixed with food or put directly in the dog's mouth.

    Other Herb Mixtures

    • According to Alternative Pet Health, there are several homeopathic treatments that can help slow the onset of Cushing's disease if it is caught in its early stages. Any herbal solution that contains kelp, nettle, rosehips, wormwood, burdock, milk thistle, garlic, clivers, clover or apple cider vinegar helps stimulate the adrenal gland and slow cortisol production. You can also purchase homeopathic formic acid or homeopathic pituitary to give to your dog. These remedies are made from the tissues of the adrenal and pituitary glands.