Natural Antihistamines for Dogs

Allergies mainly affect a dog's eyes, ears, and skin. Eyes become red and swollen with a yellowish discharge. Ears become very warm and red with possible sores on the inside. Skin becomes red and itchy, with the scratching causing sores; soothing rinses help the skin. Prevent allergies with fatty acids found in fish oil and flaxseed oil along with digestive enzymes and probiotics. Creating a stronger immune system also will help to fight allergies, and a variety of supplements are helpful.

  1. Oat Baths

    • Boil one pound of organic oat straw in two quarts of water, remove oat straw and add the water to your dog's bath water to help alleviate itching.

    Yellow Dock Rinse

    • A bath rinse made from the herb yellow dock can provide relief from itching. Add a tablespoon of yellow dock to two cups of boiling water, wait until it cools, strain, then pour over dog after he has been rinsed. Do not rinse out the yellow dock. Allow dog to air-dry.

    Burdock Root

    • Taken internally, burdock root cleanses the blood and helps to eliminate toxins. Taken daily as a dietary supplement, it will improve dry and scaly skin.


    • Taken internally, dandelion helps remove toxins from the liver to improve the immune system.


    • Taken internally, echinacea enhances the immune system.

    Licorice Root

    • Licorice root contains glycyrrhizin, a compound similar to the corticosteroids prescribed by veterinarians for allergy relief. Licorice root stimulates the adrenal gland into producing its own natural corticosteroids, which are anti-microbial, fight inflammation and support the immune system.

    Stinging Nettle

    • Nettle is often used as an herbal treatment for allergies. It stimulates blood circulation, has antibiotic properties and is effective for skin problems that arise from allergies.