How to Get Rid of Worms

Just as there are different types of worms, there are different types of treatment to get rid of them. Round worms are the most common form of digestive worms found in pets, more specifically, cats and dogs. Round worms can be transmitted from one animal to another quite easily. Your pet can contract round worms through feces, garbage, or other unsanitary places where round worms may reside and your pet may rummage through.

Things You'll Need

  • Safeguard
  • Nemex
  • D-Worm
  • Worm-X


  1. Getting to the root of the problem

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      Diagnose your pet and make sure that they have worms before you give him or her any de-worming treatments. There are a few tell-tale signs that your dog or cat has worms. Some of the symptoms your pet will experience may include diarrhea and vomiting. You may also find worms or portions of worms in your cat's or dog's feces. Likewise, they may also be visible around your pet's anal area. Worms or worm pieces may also be found in your cat's or dog's bedding, so check that carefully, as well. Another signs is loss of appetite and weight loss.

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      Visit your local pet store and purchase a de-worming medication as soon as you realize that your pet has worms. Hesitating to treat your pet can result in the pet becoming very ill and possibly dying. In addition, humans can also contract worms, so it's important to get your pet treated as soon as possible. Your local pet store should have a variety of de-wormers available for both cats and dogs. If you have any doubts, ask a clerk for advice on which is the best de-wormer for either your cat or dog. Some of the products available include: Safeguard, Nemex, D-Worm and Worm-X.

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      Take your pet to a veterinarian if you are not completely sure about whether your dog or cat has worms. Not only will the veterinarian test your pet for worms, but he or she can also give your pet a prescription de-wormer to get rid of the parasites. Likewise, if you are sure your pet has worms, but are not comfortable giving him or her de-wormer, or have any doubts about home treatment, then you should definitely visit the veterinarian.

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      Clean all of your pet's bedding once he or she has been diagnosed with worms. In addition, you will need to clean your bedding as well, if your pet is allowed on your bed. Clean furniture and floors and any other place that your pet sleeps or is allowed to come in contact with, to include your pet's food dish and water bowl. If you have a cat, make sure that your home is mouse free. Use D-Con or some other method of mouse control to ensure that your cat does not come in contact with worm infected rodents.