Home Remedies for an English Bulldog With Skin Problems

English bulldogs, with their lovable, easy going personalities, are one of the most popular breeds among pet owners today. With their well-known wrinkled faces, classic under bites, and stocky bodies, these dogs are a class unto themselves. But it takes grooming to keep up with the English bulldog, as they often are plagued by itchy skin, hot spots, and various skin allergies. Luckily, there are many things that can be done at home to remedy most skin problems.

  1. Clean the Wrinkles

    • Regular cleaning of an English bulldog's wrinkles is very important in order to prevent irritation, infection, and odors; particularly the nose wrinkle. Wrinkles can be cleaned out with a warm, damp cloth, or baby wipes with aloe. The frequency of cleaning depends on each individual dog, but it is better to clean more frequently than not enough, as the wrinkles are prime areas of infection. It is here that proteins from tear deposits collect. Always apply a thin coat of petroleum jelly in and around the wrinkles and on the nose to prevent drying out after cleaning.

    Hot Spots

    • Hot spots are circular, reddish-brown weepy sores that appear on your dog's skin due to fleas, irritation, or skin allergies. Keeping hot spot clean and dry is the most important part of healing it. Using a good tea tree or oatmeal-based shampoo will benefit your dog's skin and coat immensely, as well as aid in drying up the spot. After cleaning and drying the affected area, treat it with an over-the-counter skin medication from the local pharmacy such as Sulfadene, which will help the sore heal.

    Interdigital Cysts

    • English bulldogs are prone to getting cysts between their toes, commonly referred to as interdigital cysts. While no one knows why this is common with the breed, it thought that their short, stocky, and somewhat bowlegged physique is to blame. If you catch these cysts when they begin to pop up, you can fend them off before they become permanently attached to the skin.When you see one of these bright red cysts pop up, make sure that there is no debris in the dog's skin such as sticker burs, thorns, or anything else that will inflame the cyst. Then dust the cyst with a drying foot powder or hemorrhoid ointment. Apply treatments twice a day for at least three days.