Reasons for a Dog's Bladder to Leak

There are many reasons why a dog may have bladder leakage. Usually these problems result from old age, but sometimes other problems may be contributing causes. Some leaks can be addressed by correcting the cause, but for some leaks, the only way to address them is to start dressing your dog in diapers or some padding to keep the leaks from ruining furniture and floors.

  1. Kidney Stones

    • Kidney stones produce a painful feeling in a dog's stomach and intestines. This extra pain may cause a dog to be unable or unwilling to go outside to use the bathroom. This may cause the dog to urinate indoors or have bladder leakage.

    Bladder Tumor

    • Bladder tumors can cause extra pressure on the bladder, or reduce the size of a dog's bladder. This will cause the dog to be unable to hold in urine, which will end up as bladder leakage.

    Bladder or Kidney Infection

    • Bladder and kidney infections cause burning sensations when urinating, as well as the urge to frequently urinate. Blood may also be present in the urine. If your dog does not normally have bladder leakage, and you notice she is urinating more frequently than usual, a bladder or kidney infection may be the cause. Consult with a vet right away if you suspect your dog has a bladder or kidney infection, which can cause serious medical issues if left untreated.

    Liver Disease

    • Liver disease may also cause a dog to lose bladder control. Liver disease has several symptoms, including diarrhea, vomiting, enlarged liver, lethargy and a yellowish cast to the whites of the dog's eyes.

    Kidney Failure

    • Kidney failure can also cause bladder leakage. Kidney failure creates a breakdown in the kidneys, which results in loss of bladder control. Kidney failure also causes sore kidneys, which may cause a dog to refuse to urinate, which will eventually lead to bladder leakage when he can no longer hold the urine in.


    • Cystitis is an inflamed bladder. Bacteria is the most common cause of cystitis and causes bladder leakage because it is inflamed and sore. The dog cannot hold as much urine as usual, so leaks occur.


    • Some medications can cause bladder leakage. Common medications that cause leaks are medications for diabetes, Cushing's disease and some steroid medication. Consult with your pet's vet to determine the best treatment for bladder leakage caused by medications.

    Bone or Muscle Problems

    • If your dog has bone or muscle problems, typically resulting from old age, then he may not be able to go outside to urinate, or even be aware that urine has leaked out. Consult with a vet about what procedures to take with older dogs.