A raw diet consists of all-natural uncooked foods that have no additives or preservatives. A raw food diet is thought to give dogs more energy, improved digestion, a shinier coat and fresher breath, among other benefits. If you would like to try a raw food diet with your K9 companion, getting started is simple to do.
Purchase raw bones with some meat still on them to feed your dog. Raw bones have not been cooked, and are meant to be consumed in their entirety by your dog. Cooked bones can splinter causing your dog to choke. Raw bones on the other hand can be ground and digested by your dog without risk of them being harmed.
Serve your dog uncooked meats such as rabbit, chicken, pork, beef, or any other raw uncooked meat you may be able to acquire. Unlike humans who can get diseases such as salmonella from uncooked meats, dogs' digestive systems can handle eating uncooked meats safely. Many butchers may be willing to sell you "leftovers" of animals that would be considered unfit for human consumption, but will be perfect for your dog.
Give your dog raw eggs to eat as a source of calcium. Your dog can consume an egg in its entirety, including its shell.
Do not feed your dog processed dog food or non-animal food. Serving your dog kibble after beginning a raw food diet can cause your pet digestive difficulties. Dogs are carnivores and do not need grains or vegetables in their diet.