Superficial Pyoderma in Dogs

Superficial pyoderma in dogs is a bacterial infection that involves the epidermis and other portions of the hair follicles that are near the surface of a dog's skin. If the underlying cause of superficial pyoderma is diagnosed, your dog can be effectively treated.

  1. Causes

    • The main cause of superficial pyoderma is bacteria that have invaded a dog's body. Sometimes the presence of bacteria is related to a secondary problem. For instance, a suppressed immune system caused by other diseases can make a dog more susceptible to pyoderma.


    • A dog affected by superficial pyoderma may scratch excessively. You may notice hair loss, skin that is red and inflamed, and lesions or pustules on the skin's surface. Also, dogs with pyoderma may be lethargic, depressed and feverish.


    • Diagnosing superficial pyoderma involves examining a dog's skin and taking skin samples. Because superficial pyoderma is a skin infection, a veterinarian can determine the existence of this infection by examining the lesions, sores or pustules on the dog's skin. Also, a skin biopsy of the infected skin area is an option that can help a vet determine whether cocci, a type of bacteria that indicates a pyodermal infection, is present in the skin tissues.


    • Antibiotics are the most commonly used treatments for superficial pyoderma in dogs. Vets prescribe a specific antibiotic type and dose depending on the extent of the infection. Antibiotics are prescribed for a minimum of three weeks, up to a maximum of eight weeks if a dog is deeply infected. Also, antibiotic treatment can be combined with topical treatments such as medicated shampoos and ointments.


    • Because superficial pyoderma is caused by a bacterial infection, the best preventive method is keeping your dog's immune system strong. Do this by maintaining a healthy diet for your dog that includes natural supplements such as fatty acids, vitamins (especially A, C, and E), and enzymes for digestion. Feed your dog nutritious, natural, well-balanced food that is free of artificial ingredients and sugars. Also, you can use immune-building herbs, like echinacea, to strengthen your dog's immune system.