If your dog has a wound, a skin infection, or urine or feces stuck in its coat, he may be at risk for a maggot infection. Maggots are fly larvae that thrive in moist conditions. A maggot infestation can cause eye lesions, cough, trouble breathing and skin infections. Serious infestations can lead to severe neurological problems including paralysis and blindness. Prompt diagnosis and treatment is essential to maintaining your dog̵7;s health after a maggot infestation.
Insecticides can kill maggots, but they may put your pet at risk of poisoning, especially if your dog has a skin infection or other health problems. The best method of treatment is to physically remove the maggots from your dog̵7;s skin. Maggots can burrow and hide in your pet̵7;s coat, so the first step to clearing up a maggot infestation is to shave the affected area carefully with a clean, sharp safety razor. Be gentle and avoid shaving over open wounds and damaged skin. Remove the maggots by hand, making sure to check for tiny ones under the skin. After you have removed the maggots, you can apply a gentle insecticide. Wash the insecticide off after use to avoid harming your pet. Always check with your veterinarian before using any topical products on your dog.
If you find that many maggots have burrowed into your dog̵7;s flesh, take her to a veterinarian for removal of the maggots and treatment. A veterinarian can prescribe an anti-parasite medication to kill maggots. Corticosteroid medications can help kill maggots in the lungs and other internal organs.
Prevent maggot infestations by keeping your pet̵7;s skin clean and healthy. Wash your pet regularly, especially if he lives primarily outdoors. Check with your veterinarian for treatment options for any open wounds and skin infections. These types of skin problems attract maggots if they are not treated and cleared up promptly. Do not allow feces or urine to accumulate in your dog̵7;s coat and make sure outdoor pets have adequate shelter to prevent excess moisture on their coats and skin from rain and snow.
Give your pet monthly heartworm prevention medication and treat her regularly with a flea and tick prevention product. These treatments can prevent maggots from infesting your dog or kill existing maggots before they get into your pet̵7;s internal organs.