Why Is My Pekingese's Hair So Thin?

The Pekingese dog breed is known as a toy lap dog due to its small and convenient size and all around pleasant temperament. The Pekingese is best known for its long, silky coat and wide, dark eyes. Many different things can affect the texture and size of your Pekingese's coat, which is comprised of two coats of hair and thus can be extra troublesome.

  1. Nutrition

    • One of the keynote things that can have a direct impact on your Pekingese's coat could be related to her dietary needs and nutritional value of the food your Pekingese is eating. Consulting your vet or local pet shop regarding foods high in omega 3 could help your Pekingese's hair grow thicker and resolve thin-hair issues.

    Spaying and Litters

    • If your Pekingese was recently neutered, or if you have a female dog who just gave birth to a litter, these things could have a direct impact on the thickness of your Pekingese's fur. Female Pekingese that recently gave birth or are pregnant may have a dramatic decrease in the thickness of their coat hair due to the hormones altered due to pregnancy. Pekingese dogs who were recently neutered or are in heat may also see a direct impact on the thickness of their coats as a result of the temporary alteration of hormone levels.

    Skin Infections

    • Another thing that can directly affect the thickness of your Pekingese's coat is his skin. Follow proper grooming and use specialized gentle shampoo and brushing products. If your Pekingese is extra sensitive to certain products, this could affect his coat. Checking in with your vet will enable you to have a better understanding of the skin conditions that might be affecting your Pekingese.


    • Due to the fact that Pekingeses have thick double layered coats, they often have heavy shedding times during the year. If your Pekingese is going through a shedding period, this may cause your Pekingese's coat to appear thinner than usual. This, like recent pregnancy or neutering, is normal for a Pekingese and is not reason for concern.


    • Due to the unique build and coat of the Pekingese dog breed, it is important to constantly groom them and brush their hair. Pekingese dog owners should brush their dogs' hair daily to keep it healthy. To minimize the thinning of your Pekingese's hair, use specialized shampoo products and follow your veterinarian's grooming guidelines.