Entropion Surgery for Dogs

Some dogs are affected by a condition known as entropion. Entropian is an abnormal in-rolling of the eyelid that causes the eyelashes to scrape the surface of the eyeball. This condition can be very painful and can cause other problems, such as corneal ulcers or erosion. Surgery is needed to correct entropion.

  1. Cosmetic Surgery: Blepharoplasty

    • Entropion surgery is known as blepharoplasty and is considered a form of plastic, or cosmetic, surgery. Surgery involves removing excessive folds of skin from around the eye area to make the skin area tighter. Surgery is commonly delayed until a dog̵7;s head area has mature features, around six months of age.

    Surgery for Puppies

    • For younger puppies, a surgical procedure called ̶0;tacking̶1; is used. This procedure involves placing staples around the eyes to pull the eyelid skin upward so the condition corrects as the dog grows. The staples are left in for seven to 10 days. In younger puppies the growth rate may be so fast that the entropion can be corrected before the staples are removed.

    After the Surgery

    • After a dog undergoes entropion surgery, he is sent home with an Elizabethan collar around his neck. This collar prevents him from scratching his stitches and must be worn at all times until the stitches are removed. Topical antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent infection of the surgical site. Your vet will schedule appointments to recheck the eyes and make sure they are healing properly.


    • The success rate of entropion surgery varies based on breed, age and case specifics. In general, entropion surgery is successful 90 to 95 percent of the time. Recurrence is uncommon unless the surgery involved extensive skin removal, such as in breeds like the Chinese shar-pei. In this instance, several follow-up surgeries may be needed to completely correct the condition.


    • Do careful research on any veterinarians qualified to perform the entropian surgery, if your dog is a surgical candidate. Incorrectly performed surgery or over-correction of the entropion may cause the eyelid to roll outward or to incompletely close. Either of these issues can cause further irritation of the cornea, which will require more surgery to fix. Consulting a vet who has successfully completed many entropion surgeries will help you avoid more serious problems.