How to Treat Pet Ear Infections Naturally

If you have ever had an ear infection, you know just how painful and miserable they can be. Pets are unfortunately not exempt from this experience. They are every bit as uncomfortable as we are when fighting ear infections. If you have noticed your pet showing signs of an ear infection, you will want to treat it right away so they do not suffer needlessly. Whether it is for health or financial concerns, you may be reluctant to take your pet straight to the veterinarian for antibiotics when you notice your pet suffering from an ear infection. Fortunately, there are several natural and cost-efficient ways you can treat your pet at home.

Things You'll Need

  • Cotton balls
  • Washcloth
  • Eye dropper
  • Vinegar
  • Olive oil
  • Cod liver oil
  • Oregon grape oil
  • Vitamin E oil
  • Echinacea tablets or tea
  • Vitamin C powder


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      Clean your pet's ears. Dip cotton balls into a 50/50 vinegar and water solution and use them to swig out any residue on the inside of your pet's ears. Allow some of the solution to drizzle down into your pet's ear canal--it will help to clear away wax build up and kill bacteria.

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      Apply a warm compress to your pet's ears. Using a warm, wet washcloth, apply gentle pressure to the inside of your pet's ears and hold for five minutes. Repeat several times a day to ease the discomfort and to help the infection drain.

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      Put a few drops of olive oil, cod liver oil, Oregon grape oil or vitamin E oil in your pet's ears. Use an eye dropper to administer the oil, ensuring that the oil drips down into the ear canal. These oils help to treat deep inner-ear infections that you cannot see from the outside.

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      Give your pet echinacea tablets or tea to help strengthen its immune system and fight the infection. Administer a small dose by mouth, or mix it in with a treat or its regular food. Use twice a day until the infection is gone.

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      Mix a small amount of vitamin C powder in its food. Vitamin C is very helpful in reducing inflammation and boosting your pet's immune system.