Just like people who frequently turn to a massage in order to treat ailments and promote good health, many individuals also seek massage therapy procedures for their cats, dogs and horses. Like humans, animals also have thoughts, feelings, and even pains. In a similar way that a massage can provide people with comfort and improve overall wellbeing, massage therapy can also benefit pets. Animal massage therapy is rapidly growing in popularity. The International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork even provides a free directory online containing a list of animal massage practitioners and therapists in the US.
Traditional Animal Massage
Traditional animal massage employs conventional massage procedures and strokes used to increase blood circulation, improve the pet's trust, and train and tone their bodies. Animal massage is beneficial for pets with bonding or behavior problems, those who are ill and suffering from chronic pain, and those who simply need some relaxation. Kneading is a common technique used in traditional massage for pets. It ranges from superficial to deep. The superficial kind involves pinching and rolling to stimulate the animal's skin and hair coat. This technique will help increase the flow and circulation of blood. Deep kneading on the other hand focuses on the muscle fibers. It is directly performed to the muscle and not the bone. This will help transport blood and nutrients to the muscle belly. It will also release muscle spasms and toxins. Another technique is stroking. This is used to calm and relax the animal. This serves as a closing technique to a massage therapy session. Therefore, it is applied very slowly and lightly.
Acupressure uses pressure on specific areas of the animal's body to help with energy flow and to fight illnesses. Acupressure is usually done on ill and elderly animals. In particular, acupressure works to build the animal's immune system; strengthen bones, muscles, joints, and tendons; balance the energy to optimize the animal's ability to heal itself naturally; release natural cortisone to help reduce swelling and inflammation; release endorphins that are necessary to increase the energy and to alleviate pain; enhance mental clarity; and finally to resolve injuries by removing toxins in the body and increasing blood supply.
Reiki is a Japanese practice that makes use of gentle hand touches to channel chi or life force energy. This is done by aligning all energy centers referred to as chakras. Reiki is frequently used on animals that are recovering from an injury or surgery. Reiki is an effective technique for maintaining the well-being and health of animals by helping to channel positive energies.