Lawn Pesticide Application and Seizures in Dogs

Dogs that are frequently outside may suffer seizures from lawn chemicals and pesticides. Pesticides may contain toxins that are dangerous for dogs, as well as humans. Dogs that suffer from epilepsy may have seizures after the lawn is treated with pesticides, leading veterinarians to believe these pesticides may trigger seizures in dogs with pre-existing epilepsy.

  1. Identification

    • Lawn pesticides are products that are used to control insects and fleas. Many do not realize the type of chemicals and toxins that are in these products.These products contain chemicals that may be harmful to homeowners and pets. Lawn pesticide products may contain herbicides (weed killers) that are often combined with fertilizer and flea control products.


    • The effects that may occur from lawn pesticide applications may include mild reactions, such as nausea and skin irritation. Most mild reactions in dogs will clear up on their own within a short period of time. A severe reaction may include symptoms such as seizures, heart failure, kidney failure, liver failure, coma or even death, and may require emergency veterinary care.

    Risk Factors

    • According to, dogs that suffer from epilepsy may have an increased risk of having seizures from exposure to toxins and chemicals. Dogs with epilepsy may have an increased sensitivity to these chemicals, which may lower the seizure threshold. If your dog has epilepsy, be very careful what you place in its environment, such as the yard and in the home.


    • In order to prevent seizures and other adverse reactions in dogs that are exposed to toxins and chemicals in lawn pesticides, it is important to understand how exposure may occur. Exposure to toxins may occur through skin contact, such as the pads of the dog's feet. Dogs may also inhale the chemicals, as well as ingesting them by licking body parts that have been exposed to the substance. Some dogs will have adverse effects with exposure to lawn pesticides over a long period of time. Use lawn products that are safe for dogs and limit the exposure to the chemicals in the products.


    • Dogs that have seizures may lose consciousness, become rigid, paddle the legs, urinate involuntarily and defecate involuntarily. Most dogs recover from seizures on their own, but if your dog has trouble breathing or experiences repeated seizures in a short amount of time, contact your veterinarian immediately.