How to Apply Frontline Spray

Frontline Spray is a product used to protect dogs and cats from the infestation of parasites such as fleas and ticks. Frontline is effective when applied to a pet's coat and skin every 30 days. Protecting pets against parasites leads to improved health and decreased skin irritation, allergic reactions and exposure to infectious diseases such as Lyme disease.

Things You'll Need

  • Frontline Spray bottle
  • Rubber gloves
  • Leash
  • Cloth


    • 1

      Refer to the Frontline Spray dosage label on the bottle. Determine the weight of the pet. Match the weight of the pet with the manufacturer's recommended dosage. Check to make sure you purchased a bottle of Frontline Spray that will fully cover your pet, based on the recommended dosage.

    • 2

      Find an area that receives air such as an outside patio or well-ventilated room. Put rubber gloves on your hands to protect from skin irritation. Move the nozzle of the spray bottle to the desired spray position.

    • 3

      To apply to a dog, place a leash on the pet and hold it firmly or ask someone to assist you in holding the pet in place during the application process. Allow the pet to stand for the beginning sprays. Hold the Frontline spray bottle in an upright position.

    • 4

      Arrange your pet's hair so that the skin is showing. Push ruffs of hair forward to expose the skin. Spray the exterior of the left front paw and leg and up the left side of the chest and abdomen, down the left back leg and paw. Repeat on the right side. Apply spray to the upper chest, back, rear end and to the end of the tail. Spray the top and sides of the neck.

    • 5

      Squirt Frontline Spray onto a soft cloth. Rub the cloth with spray on it around the pet's face and forehead to avoid irritating the pet's eyes, nose and mouth. Lay the pet on his back. Apply Frontline Spray to the bottom of the neck and jaw using the cloth method. Spray the belly and groin areas. Spray the chest and inside area of each leg.

    • 6

      To apply to a cat, hold the cat by the scruff of the neck; you may want to have someone help you with this so you are free to use the spray. Spray the entire cat with the required number of pumps designated by its weight in the dosage directions. Include the tail and face; pump spray on a cloth and rub the cloth over the cat's face rather than attempting to spray directly into its face.