Chlorhexidine gluconate is an antimicrobial compound that is used to treat several medical conditions in dogs. Antiseptic solutions containing chlorhexidine are effective when used regularly as mouth rinses to treat canine dental diseases including gingivitis. Chlorhexidine applied to minor skin wounds helps prevent infections, and it is used to disinfect the site of incisions prior to surgery. Dogs with some types of ear infections can also be treated with chlorhexidine.
Dog Dental Health Problems
Proper dental hygiene keeps a dog smiling. Many dogs suffer from periodontal diseases which can cause mouth discomfort and lead to loss of teeth. Plaque on a dog's teeth extending below the gum line harbor harmful bacteria which cause gingivitis. Red and swollen gums that sometimes bleed are a prominent symptom of gingivitis. Just as in humans, if gingivitis in a dog is left untreated, it can cause chronic discomfort and lead to much more serious periodontal diseases. Periodontal disease can result in loss of teeth and can also cause serious infections throughout the dog's body if bacteria from diseased teeth and gums enter the dog's bloodstream. Fortunately, these problems can be prevented or cured with proper dog dental care.
Chlorhexidine as a Canine Dental Treatment
Chlorhexidine Toothpaste can Keep Dog Teeth Healthy If gingivitis advances to serious periodontal disease, a dog will need treatment by a veterinarian. A vet can clean a dog's teeth and remove teeth that are too damaged to save, but preventive treatments at home can help delay or completely eliminate dental problems for a dog. Chlorhexidine rinses applied regularly can keep a dog's mouth and teeth healthy. There are also canine toothpastes containing chlorhexidine that are effective in maintaining a dog's dental health when applied regularly using a soft bristled toothbrush.
Chlorhexidine to Clean and Disinfect Wounds
Chlorhexidine can treat minor wounds. Minor wounds in a dog's skin can be effectively treated at home. The dog's owner should seek the attention of a veterinarian in the case of any injury that is bleeding heavily, has open cuts that might require stitches, or that could involve other organs besides the skin. For minor cuts and abrasions, cleaning the wound carefully and rinsing with a chlorhexidine solution can prevent infections and speed healing.
Chlorhexidine to Treat Ear Itching
Dogs can get Yeast Infections in Their Ears It is common for a dog with itching ears to have a yeast infection. This is especially prevalent in dogs that suffer from allergies. Signs of a yeast infection include increasing ear wax production, unpleasant ear odor and frequent pawing and scratching at the ears. A veterinarian can make a proper diagnosis and prescribe treatment for an ear yeast infection in a dog. Solutions containing chlorhexidine are often used as part of the treatment to kill the yeast fungus on the external parts of the dog's ear.
Chlorhexidine to Treat Dog Skin Disorders
Bacterial or yeast infections cause many skin problems in dogs that can be controlled with antiseptic shampoos containing chlorhexidine. Symptoms of these infections include itching, pimples, bad odors and rashes. There can be other causes of dog skin problems, including allergic reactions and parasites, such as fleas, so a dog owner should always consult a veterinarian about the best course of treatment.