Herbal Medications for Dogs With Separation Anxiety

It can be extremely difficult to treat a dog with separation anxiety. Dogs with this issue exhibit nervous behaviors right before their owners leave the house, and they continue until their owners return. Dogs may pant, whine and bark incessantly. They can also be extremely destructive by scratching doors, tearing up furniture and chewing rugs. In severe cases, they can hurt themselves by breaking through glass, crates or other barriers.

  1. Benefits of Herbal Medications

    • If you would like to treat your dog's separation anxiety, herbal medications are a good choice. According to Natural Dog Health Remedies, they're non-addictive, and they won't harm internal organs like some drugs can. They're effective and safe for long-term use. There are several herbal options that can help treat the symptoms of anxiety without causing adverse side effects. Though they can be obtained without a prescription, it's a good idea to discuss treatment options with your vet.

    Herbs that Help Separation Anxiety

    • Melatonin helps induce relaxation and sleep in dogs. According to PetPlace.com, it's generally very safe and effective on any size dog. Valerian is a gentle sedative that helps treat anxiety and hyperactivity. Chamomile has mild sedative effects as well. It can also soothe a dog's upset stomach, which can occur when he's anxious. Skullcap treats excitability without affecting motor skills or causing drowsiness. They're available individually or in calming formulations, which may include blends of different herbs.

    Forms of Herbal Medications

    • Herbal medications come in a variety of formats. Dried herbs can be sprinkled on a dog's food, which makes it easy to administer. They're also available in pill form, which can be given alone or with food. Herbal tinctures are highly concentrated versions of herbs suspended in liquid. They're easily administered by dropper.


    • Some herbs may work well on one dog, and not on another. Herbal medications are generally administered based on the weight of the dog. Small dogs may only need a fraction of the dosage that a large dog needs. It may take some trial and error to find the right herbal remedy for your dog. It may also take a few weeks to see results.


    • Herbal medications are not standardized by the FDA, so different brands may have different formulations of herbs, and the information on the labels may not accurately reflect its contents. Some herbs may interact negatively with prescription drugs, so before administering medications of any kind, talk to your vet.