Button cell tumors are benign growths that look like red, round lesions on dogs. Button cell tumors often grow rapidly, but may disappear on their own within one to two months. These tumors are not painful but may need to be removed if they interfere with grooming or bathing.
Button cell tumors are also known as histiocytomas. These tumors are small and usually occur in dogs from 1 to 3 years of age and are most common in short-haired breeds. There is no known cure for button cell tumors.
The symptoms associated with button cell tumors in dogs are small, red lesions that appear anywhere on the dog's body. This type of tumor may ulcerate but is not usually painful. The areas that are most commonly affected by button cell tumors are the head, ear flap and neck.
Causes And Diagnosis
The cause of canine button cell tumors is unknown. Veterinarians usually diagnose this type of tumor visually because of their distinctive appearance. The diagnosis of canine button cell tumors can be confirmed by a needle aspiration. Once a sample of the cells is extracted from the tumor, the veterinarian examines them under the microscope. The cells from this type of tumor appear round. The veterinarian may also confirm the diagnosis by removing the tumor and examining it under the microscope.
The treatment recommended for button cell tumors may depend on the size and location of the tumors. According to Web MD Pets, button cell tumors in dogs may disappear on their own without treatment. Tumors that are persistent may need to be removed for further evaluation.
Button cell tumors are not malignant but may form ulcers. If these tumors ulcerate and cause itching and irritation, a bacterial infection may develop. Dogs that have a secondary bacterial infection may be treated with topical antibiotic creams. Dogs that have chronic bacterial infections as a result of button cell tumors may benefit from tumor removal.