Antibiotics for Yeast Infections in Dogs

According to Dr. Jeanette Thomason, Veterinary Naturopath and dog breeder, yeasts are single-celled organisms found on the surfaces of living objects and inside the mucous membranes of your dog's digestive tract. She explains that, when your dog's immune system is healthy, his body is able to keep yeast production under control. However, when this balance is thrown off, a dog can suffer a yeast inffection, which can effectively be treated by many different types of antibiotics. When using antibiotics, always follow the dosage guidelines and finish the entire course of medication.

  1. Amoxicillin

    • Amoxicillin is a common antibiotic used to treat yeast infections in dogs. This medication works by killing the over grown yeast bacteria in the body. Amoxicillin is given out in 7- to 10-day dosage packets. The tablets are chewable, but liquid medication is also available. 50 mg per day of liquid medication is administered through a syringe. The potential side effects include itching, confusion and weakness.


    • Penicillin is also used to treat yeast infections in dogs. This medication is typically given out in 10-day dose packets. Give your dog the entire packet of chewable antibiotics even if she gets better before taking all the tablets. Stopping treatment too early could cause the infection to return and perhaps even become worse. Common side effects are rash, allergy, anemia and loss of white blood cells. If your dog experiences bothersome side effects, contact your veterinarian.


    • Sulfamethox is another type of antibiotic used to treat canine yeast infections. It is sometimes mixed with another medication called trimethoprim. This combination of medications is also effective at treating skin infections. Common side effects are loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting. Many veterinarians recommend encouraging your dog to drink extra water while on this medication.