Canine Respiratory Infection Treatment

Dogs may develop respiratory infections such as influenza. The treatment for respiratory infections in dogs can depend on the cause of the infection and the severity of the illness.

  1. Identification

    • According to, a respiratory infection is defined as any infection that affects the upper or lower respiratory tract. In dogs, a respiratory infection may cause coughing, thick nasal discharge and, in some cases, pneumonia.

    Supportive Treatment

    • Dogs that suffer from a respiratory infection that is caused by a virus may receive treatment to support the immune system. This may include rest, fluids and the restriction of strenuous activities such as running. Keeping the dog at home in an environment that is not stressful is also suggested. If possible, dogs that have a respiratory infection should be kept away from other animals to avoid spreading the infection.


    • Dogs that suffer from a respiratory infection may be prescribed antibiotics by a veterinarian. Mild cases may be treated with anti-inflammatory medications (steroids) and cough suppressants. Dogs that are short of breath or have difficulty breathing may benefit from the use of bronchodilators to restore free breathing.

    More Severe Illnesses

    • Antibiotics also may be prescribed for dogs with a respiratory infection in cases that involve pneumonia or severe illness. Veterinarians do not recommend treating dogs suffering from pneumonia with narcotic cough suppressants because these types of medicines depress the respiratory system. Antibiotics that are commonly prescribed for respiratory infections in dogs may include doxycycline and clavamox. Dogs that are housed in a kennel or shelter may be treated with antibiotics to help control the spread of infection.


    • You can help prevent respiratory infections in your dog by making sure it is properly vaccinated. While vaccinations may not totally prevent illness, they are effective in helping reduce the symptoms of infections such as Bordetella and canine distemper. If your dog has symptoms of a respiratory infection, consult your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.