Prednisone for a Dog's Arthritis

Prednisone is a medication that may be prescribed by veterinarians to treat arthritis in dogs. This medication is effective in treating the pain and inflammation often associated with arthritis. There have been some reports of side effects, however, with the use of prednisone, especially with long-term use. Before giving your dog prednisone, discuss these side effects with your veterinarian.

  1. Identification

    • Prednisone is in the glucocorticoid class of drugs and has been approved for use in animals as well as humans. Prednisone is an anti-inflammatory medication that works to reduce the pain, inflammation and redness that may occur with arthritic conditions in dogs.

    Short-Term Effects

    • While prednisone is considered safe and is one of the leading drugs prescribed to animals and humans that suffer from arthritic conditions, there are some side effects associated with its use. Some short-term side effects may include increased appetite, increased thirst, panting, restlessness, vomiting and diarrhea. These side effects may diminish over time as the dog's body becomes more accustomed to the medication.

    Long-Term Effects

    • Prednisone has been associated with some serious side effects when used long term. These side effects may include loss of hair, decreased liver function and weakening of the muscles. Another serious side effect that may result from long-term use of prednisone is the development of stomach ulcers in dogs.This may lead to serious complication such as blood loss. Behavioral changes also have been reported in dogs that take prednisone for a long period of time. This can make dogs uncharacteristically fearful or aggressive.


    • The dosage of prednisone for anti-inflammatory conditions may vary. The recommended dosage is 0.1 mg to 0.3 mg per pound of body weight, which may be taken up to twice daily. The duration of treatment should be determined by your veterinarian. Prednisone is available in tablet, liquid and an injectable form.


    • Prednisone can provide your dog with relief from the pain and inflammation often associated with arthritis. This can greatly improve your dog's quality of life. Prednisone, however, should not be used in dogs that are pregnant, as prednisone may induce labor. It also shouldn't be used in dogs with fungal infections or dogs that have a known sensitivity to glucocorticoids. Do not stop giving your dog prednisone without first consulting your veterinarian. Adverse health effects may occur with a sudden halt in medication. Dogs are usually weaned off prednisone gradually.