Inhaled Allergy

Inhaled allergies or atopy are the most common types of allergies in dogs as well as humans. Some inhaled allergies occur seasonally such as pollen; others like mold may be present year round. Most allergies in dogs manifest themselves in skin conditions that cause intense itching.

  1. Identification

    • An inhaled allergy may cause an allergic reaction in dogs. This reaction is the state of the dog's system over-reacting to a substance. The most common ways a dog's body reacts to a substance that he is allergic to is through the skin (itching), the respiratory system (sneezing or wheezing), or the digestive system (vomiting and diarrhea).


    • The most common types of inhaled allergies that may cause symptoms in dogs are tree pollens, mold, mildew and dust mites. In humans, inhaled allergens most commonly cause respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, wheezing and itching of the eyes. This is also known as "hay fever" in humans. In dogs, inhaled allergies usually cause severe and intense itching and may last for a few months or year round. The duration of symptoms depend on the type of allergen dog is allergic to. Most dogs, however, have reactions to several types of allergens.


    • The treatment of inhaled allergies in dogs largely depends on the length of time in which the dog experiences symptoms. A veterinarian may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications such as steroids which may help reduce the itching and inflammation. He may also prescribe antihistamines, often in conjunction with steroid medications, to reduce itching. Many veterinarians recommend allergy shots for dogs that suffer from year round allergies. This is a rather expensive treatment, however, and many dogs must continue the treatment for several years in order to control the symptoms of allergies.


    • The most common symptoms associated with inhaled allergies in dogs are itching of the skin and hair loss due to constant scratching. At times, the itching after exposure to an inhaled allergen may be so intense, the dog may not sleep well due to scratching. In some cases, dogs may develop sores on the skin due to biting, itching and scratching.


    • If your dog has allergy symptoms, consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. In order to treat allergy symptoms, the veterinarian may do allergy testing to determine the type of substances the dog is allergic to. Other types of allergies in dogs may include food allergies, flea bite allergies and bacterial allergies.