Treatment for Dogs Testing Positive for Heartworm

Heartworms are deadly parasites that affects dogs and are contracted through mosquitoes. This parasite is preventable, but once a dog gets heartworms, the available treatment options are limited. The prevention of heartworms is simpler than the treatment once heartworms are contracted, because there are risks involved in all treatments for dogs that have tested positive for the parasite.

  1. Types

    • There are several different classes of heartworm infection that a dog can experience. The class of infection that a dog is experiencing will indicate what type of treatment should be given in response. You and your veterinarian need to consider the severity of the infection prior to deciding upon a treatment. Class 1 heartworms range between no symptoms and mild symptoms of the heartworm disease. Class 2 encompasses moderate disease symptoms. Class 3 is classified by severe symptoms.


    • Immiticide is a type of arsenic compound that you have to inject into the infected dog's lumbar muscle for treatment. There are different types of treatment protocols that a veterinarian may follow using this medication. One example is to give two injections of the compound, each 24 hours apart. Another option is to give three injections, with the first two 30 days apart and the last one 24 hours after the second.


    • There are two ways to look at treatment for heartworms. There are treatment options that kill the heartworms more quickly but pose a greater risk to the dog, and vice versa. A longer treatment option will lessen the risk of complications associated with the treatment, but offers a much slower kill rate of the heartworms. Other considerations can be made when choosing treatment, such as cost considerations, since the treatment is billed on a per-injection basis.


    • While it is possible to successfully treat heartworms in dogs, it is important to understand that the treatment for a dog will always carry inherent risks, and there is no guarantee of a successful outcome. Most heartworm treatments for dogs are uncomfortable for the dog and cannot promise results, which means it is still possible for a dog with a heartworm infection to die from the parasite.


    • Heartworms are parasitic infections that can be prevented. There are a number of different heartworm preventative products on the market, most which require a veterinarian's prescription to obtain. Dogs should see a veterinarian for an annual exam and to acquire a heartworm preventative, such as Iverhart or HeartGuard. These products are designed to prevent heartworms in a healthy dog, and are not meant to be used once a dog already has tested positive for the infection.