Ear Infection Symptoms for Dogs

Since dogs can't communicate like humans, they depend on their owners to notice nonverbal cues to determine sickness. Ear infections are common in canines, though breeds with floppy ears are more prone to them. Cocker Spaniels, Labrador retrievers and basset hounds are likely candidates for ear infections, so their owners need to be aware of signs of the ailment. Dogs can suffer from outer ear, middle ear and inner ear infections. Symptoms can worsen quickly, so it is important to contact a veterinarian with concerns so treatment with a cleaning solution and possibly antibiotic eadrops can be started quickly.

  1. Abnormal Head Placement

    • Dogs with an ear infection are likely to hold their heads at a different angle than normal. It is her way of attempting to rid her ear of the problem.

    Shaking of Head

    • When humans have water in their ear, they shake their heads to remove the problem. Dogs behave in a similar way. When they feel something in their ears, like ear mites or ticks, they shake their head in an abnormal manner. It is common for dogs suffering from ear infections to shake their head in a constant movement from side to side.

    Malodorous Ear Discharge

    • Excessive ear wax or abnormal discharge with a foul odor often signifies an ear infection.

    Ear Scratching

    • To help alleviate discomfort, dogs often rub their ears with their paws. Excessive scratching in this manner is a common sign of an infection.


    • Excessive redness inside the ear is another symptom of an ear infection because healthy ears do not become inflamed without just reason. There is a direct correlation with the longer an ear is inflamed, the worse the infection is becoming.

    Lack of Balance

    • In the worst cases of ear infection, a dog experiences the diminishing of balance. If you notice your four-legged friend is unable to stand normally, call the veterinarian immediately because the infection is likely severe.

    Infection Causes

    • Ear infections are a common ailment in dogs. There are a number of causes, but the most common are ear mites, bacterial infections, food allergies, problems in the environment and hygiene.