What Are the Benefits of Garlic for a Canine?

Using garlic as a remedy in a dog's diet is a great way to help with bacterial and fungal infections, help boost the immune system, and prevent cancer. Garlic is safe for dogs and has many benefits, as long as the right amount is used. Garlic should be used before it is cooked in any way, as it can lose its antibiotic factor. Raw garlic or raw garlic juice is the best to use. Dogs that are anemic should not be fed garlic, as this can worsen the condition.

  1. Insect Repellent

    • Garlic contains a high amount of sulfur. When a dog absorbs garlic in his body, the sulfur secretes through his skin and repels fleas, mites, ticks and other insects that may bite a dog. If a dog has worms in the digestive track, garlic can also get rid of them. If a dog is often infested with worms, feed him garlic one to two times a week.


    • Using garlic to fight off both bacterial and fungal infections is an effective remedy. Sulfur from garlic helps fight off bacteria that may be in a dog's lungs. Garlic can also help with other things that may irritate a dog's lungs such as dust, pollen and spores. The herb can be used to fight off seasonal allergies, kennel cough, hay fever and other respiratory problems and can fight off infections inside and outside of a dog's body. To make a solution that can be used on a dog's skin, crush the garlic and dilute it with olive oil. This works as an antibiotic to keep wounds from getting infected and treats ear infections and ear mites.

    Immune System

    • Garlic improves the production of white blood cells, and can be used in strengthening the immune system and fighting off cancer. Garlic not only helps fight off cancer and sickness in dogs that are sick, but can also prevent sickness and cancer in healthy dogs if used regularly. If fed to mothers, garlic is passed on to puppies through milk, which helps the newborns prevent and fight off infections and diarrhea. Garlic is a helpful immune system aid in dogs of all ages.