In order to properly and effectively treat this painful and potentially lethal condition, veterinarians can provide a full spectrum of treatment options. From intravenous (IV) treatments and pain medication to around-the-clock monitoring, this condition requires more than a simple fix.
Removing food and water from the dog's diet allows the pancreas to rest and stop producing the enzymes that have turned on his body and created painful irritation.
IV Fluids
The dog receives fluids intravenously for 48 to 72 hours. This treatment method contains potassium, which helps to "restart" the kidneys.
Blood Testing
Blood tests are essential as they monitor that the dog's body is combating the irritation properly.
Pain Management
This condition is very painful for the dog and veterinarians will typically prescribe oral or IV medications in order to help comfort the animal until the condition is tamed.
Antibiotics may also be prescribed. Bacteria introduced into the body can actually worsen the condition and make it harder for the body to recover.
Diet and Weight Management
Changing and controlling the diet and weight of the dog is not only a treatment, but also a future preventive measure. Foods that are high in fat are lethal contributors and make the body work harder.