Supplements That Help a Canine Ruptured Disc

Your dog's spine is made up of bony vertebrae, separated by cushions called intervertebral discs. These discs allow your dog to move, but age or injury can cause these discs to rupture, causing pain and, sometimes, disability.

  1. Ruptured disc symptoms

    • A ruptured disc creates pressure on the spinal column. Your dog may cry in pain, be reluctant to engage in activity, or even experience bowel or bladder issues. Loss of limb function can occur if the rupture is severe.


    • Your vet will complete a thorough exam, which may include X-rays or a CT scan, to determine the severity of the herniation or rupture.

    Traditional Treatment

    • Treatment depends on the severity of the disc damage. Severely herniated discs may require surgical repair. If surgery is not required, your pet will likely be restricted from activity, and placed on anti-inflammatory drugs and possibly pain medication.


    • Supplements which provide anti-inflammatory and/or antioxidant benefits, or which support cartilage health, should be considered. Massage, hydro-therapy and/or acupuncture may be beneficial.


    • Omega-3 supplements (such as fish oil) provide anti-inflammatory support. Glucosamine and chondroitin support cartilage, and Vitamins A, C, and E are beneficial in preventing free-radical damage.