Variations in a dog's stool color and consistency can occur for a variety of reasons. Dark orange stool can suggest something as simple as a dog eating a mundane, digestible object or a more serious issue indicated by blood in the stool.
Dog stool can appear in a variety of colors. It's natural for there to be a variation in a dog's stool over the dog's lifetime. Dog stool can be soft or hard depending on the animal's diet and health.
The orange color in the stool may represent something the dog ate in a bright color. That color mixes with the dog's regular food to produce a dark orange tone. If the orange color is a one-time event, it can likely be attributed to something the dog consumed.
Dark orange stool may represent blood in the stool. This can indicate conditions of the liver, colon or intestine. It is a possible indicator of colitis in dogs, a curable condition of the colon treated with oral medication. If the orange stool occurs multiple times, eliminate your dog's discomfort with a trip to the veterinarian to avoid complications.
Dog having difficulty while defecating It's always best to take your dog to the vet when there is a persistent change in stool texture. If your dog experiences difficulty defecating, this is also an indicator to consult the vet. Your dog's vet can use the Fecal Scoring System and test the stool to determine possible ailments.
Other Indicators
Unhealthy canine feces also often contain other indicators of ill health including abnormal odor, change in texture, frequency of defecation and consistency and flecks of blood. If one of these occurs in addition to the odd coloring, seek a vet's assistance immediately.