Fleas and ticks can cause many problems for your dog, including itching, skin damage, skin infections and diseases. There are many medications available to prevent and kill fleas and ticks, however, some of these medications can cause adverse effects. This is why some dog owners seek out homeopathic flea and tick medications for their dogs. The term homeopathic refers to natural treatments. In regard to flea and ticks, homeopathic medication involves treatments that do not use pesticide chemicals or other toxic ingredients.
Fleas do not like the taste of garlic. Mixing garlic into your dog̵7;s food can render his blood inedible to a flea. You can purchase garlic in pill form, but using the actual clove or a powder is best. According to Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM, author of "The New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats," the recommended amount for dogs per pound, per day is as follows: 10 to 15 pounds equals half a clove, 20 to 40 pounds equals one clove, 45 to 70 pounds equals two cloves, 75 to 90 pounds equals two and a half cloves, and 100 pounds and over equals three cloves. Do not feed garlic to a dog with a pre-existing anemic condition.
Brewer's Yeast
Brewer's yeast is a common natural supplement. You can use it with garlic for the most effective flea fighting combination. Yeast comes in powder and tablet form. The correct dose will depend on the form of yeast you use. For powders, the recommended amount is half a teaspoon per pound of body weight. For tablets, you should follow the dose directions on the label.
Black Walnut Hulls
Black walnut trees produce juglone, which is a natural acidic insecticide. Juglone seeps from the leaves and roots of the tree into the nut hulls. The acid from the juglone that is inside of the hulls is what repels fleas. You can find this treatment in liquid or capsule form.
Dietary sulfur, an essential nutrient, is a component of many amino acids, and it acts as a flea repellent. Sulfur creates a scent on your dog's skin to keep fleas away. Sulfur can be administered in liquid or tablet form. You can mix it into your dog's food or administer it orally.
Products that are labeled natural are not automatically safe. You still need to follow dose directions and monitor your dog after administering a homeopathic medication. To be sure that a particular treatment is truly safe for your dog, you should consult with a veterinarian. This will help prevent your dog from having an adverse reaction to homeopathic treatments because of allergies or other pre-existing conditions. If any adverse reactions occur, discontinue the treatment and consult with a vet.