How to Treat a Sick Puppy With Hookworms

Hookworms are intestinal blood sucking parasites that affect dogs and puppies. Puppies usually get hookworms from their mother, either through pregnancy or by nursing, according to the Mar Vista Animal Medical Center in Los Angeles. Most veterinarians treat puppies for hookworms at two, four, six and eight weeks of age, as recommended by the Companion Animal Parasite Council. Hookworms can be fatal to puppies if left untreated, so it is important to know how to treat and care for a sick puppy with hookworms.

Things You'll Need

  • Deworming medication
  • Bleach
  • Rag


    • 1

      Once your puppy has been diagnosed with hookworm, get the proper dewormer from your veterinarian. Various dewormers, such as mebendazole, fenbendazole or pyrantel pamoate, are given at different ages. Deworming only affects adult hookworms, so you will need to repeat the treatment after 30 days or as directed by your vet.

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      Consult with your veterinarian about whether a high protein diet is needed and possible iron supplementation, based on how anemic the puppy may be from loss of blood.

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      Decontaminate the puppy's environment to avoid further infestation. Use bleach and an old rag to clean the area, as this removes the protective coating on the hookworm larvae and causes them to dry up and die.

    • 4

      In severe cases, consult with the vet about whether the puppy needs blood transfusions. Since the hookworms feed on blood, puppies can die of blood loss. The vet will repeat the blood transfusions as necessary.

    • 5

      Once free of hookworms, put your puppy on a monthly heartworm preventive that also kills hookworms, as recommended by your veterinarian.