Ivermectin is a drug used in the prevention and treatment of heartworms in many animals, including dogs. Ivermectin is available in a flavored solid chew as well as a liquid suspension. The flavored chews are used the vast majority of the time, as dogs will readily eat the treats. The liquid form is most often administered by veterinarians during clinic use. It is critical to know before using Ivermectin if the dog has heartworms, as the dosing level for treatment is often higher than it is for preventative measures.
Things You'll Need
- Ivermectin flavored chew (such as Heartgard)
- Ivermectin liquid
Testing for Heartworms and Administering Ivermectin
Take your dog to the veterinarian to be tested for heartworms. This blood test will only take a few minutes, as it is normally done on the spot. The veterinarian will inform you immediately if your dog is heartworm positive. If your dog is heartworm positive, treatment must begin right away.
Administer the liquid Ivermectin. Liquid Ivermectin is often given to treat less severe heartworm infestation in dogs because it is cheaper than other drugs. The dosing for dogs is .0015 to 0.003 mg per pound of body weight. The liquid is drawn up in a syringe and shot down the dog's throat. Afterwards, it is important to keep your dog's activity level to a minimum, because the heartworms die and breakdown, and the possibility exists they can clog an artery.
Give monthly heartworm preventative chews. The chews are sold pre-packaged and are normally meat flavored to ensure the dogs readily eats them. The Ivermectin dosing of the chews is also done by weight, with typical sizes sold ranging from toy, small, medium, large and extra large. The chew should be given at the same time each month to ensure that the Ivermectin remains at a constant level in the dog's bloodstream.