Dog Flea Itching Remedies

Fleas are the number one cause of itching in dogs, says the Dog Breed Info Center. Flea preventative medications helps stop the infestation of fleas, and flea medicine helps get rid of fleas on a dog. Some itch-relieving products and remedies, such as cold baths, fatty acids and antihistamines help stop the itch while the dog receives treatment for its flea problem.

  1. Bath

    • Bathing the dog in cool water relieves the itch caused by fleas, says the Dog Breed Info Center. By adding soothing products such as baking soda, Epsom salts or colloidal oatmeal to the cool water, the relief will be greater for the dog. Hot or warm water will make the itch worse, as will rubbing the dog's skin.

    Fatty Acids

    • Fatty acid supplements have an anti-inflammatory effect on inflamed dog skin, according to Mar Vista Animal Medical Center in Los Angeles. They are also effective on joint pain and cramps. This itch-relieving acid is found in marine oil and evening primrose oil, and the Dog Breed Info Center recommends it for long-term problems, since it takes several weeks to relieve the dog's itching symptoms.


    • Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, clemastine fumarate, hydroxyzine and chlorpheniramine help relieve itching in dogs, according to the Mar Vista Animal Medical Center, which found that a mixture of the four types of antihistamine helped relieve itching in 40 percent of dogs. Giving any dog antihistamines without the prior approval of a vet is risky, says the Dog Breed Info Center.