Why Aren't Flea Drops Working?

Spot treatment for flea treatment and prevention is an extremely effective and popular way to keep your cat or dog flea free and healthy. Certain spot treatments are more effective than others, and following the directions for the application of any of these products is paramount to producing the best results. There are many reasons why the flea drop product you are using is not working properly.

  1. Active Ingredients

    • One reason your flea drops aren't working as well as expected is that you may have chosen the wrong product. There are many options to choose from when determining which flea drop medication is the right one for you. Some of the less expensive options use an active ingredient called pyrethrins. While pyrethrin is an effective insecticide, it has not been shown to have any residual action. Pyrethrins are easily washed off with water or through normal grooming. Better products are ones that contain fipronil or imidacloprid.


    • Another reason the flea medication you have chosen is not working properly is that you washed your pet immediately before or immediately after application. Both of the leading flea drop products utilize the oils contained on the skin to distribute over the body and pool in the hair follicles. If you wash your pet immediately before application, these oils are removed and the product will not distribute properly. Washing your pet immediately after application will remove the product before it has a chance to pool in the hair follicles. Wash your pet 24 hours before or 24 hours after the application of a flea product.


    • Not administering the correct dose of the flea product will keep it from working effectively. Flea control drops come in tubes with a measured dosage of product. By using less than the recommended dose, there will not be enough product to distribute over the entire animal rendering it less effective.

    Allergic Reactions

    • Animals with severe allergic reactions to fleabites will continue to exhibit symptoms of infestation such as scratching and biting even after the proper application of a flea drop product. This is due to the overreaction of the animal's immune system. Flea saliva is made of proteins, which trigger an allergic response in some animals. It will take anywhere from several hours to several days for the proteins to be eliminated and the immune system return to normal.

    Underlying Health Concerns

    • If you continue to have trouble with the flea drops you have chosen, talk to your veterinarian. Your pet may have a skin condition or other underlying health reason that prevents the medication from working properly.